JTBC’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday drama series, “Destined With You” (written by No Ji-seol, directed by Nam Ki-hoon, produced by SLL and C-JeS Studio), tells the compelling story of Lee Hong-jo (played by Jo Bo-ah), a diligent civil servant from Nokji Province, who obtains a sealed ancient book, and Jang Shin-yoo (played by Rohoon), a lawyer who becomes the sacrificial lamb for the book. Their fateful and unstoppable romance unfolds from their earnest wishes, enveloping viewers in a sweet and delightful journey of love.
The collaboration of a trustworthy production team heightens the anticipation of drama fans. Director Nam Ki-hoon, known for his sensory directing skills demonstrated in “Kiss Six Sense,” “Voice 3,” and “Tunnel,” takes the helm. Accompanying him is renowned writer No Ji-seol, who previously penned the hit historical drama “100 Days My Prince,” which caused a sensation. The participation of talented young actors such as Jo Bo-ah, Rohoon, Ha Joon, and Yura further adds to the excitement surrounding this destined romance.
Jo Bo-ah takes on the role of Lee Hong-jo, a ninth-grade civil servant and a troubleshooter at Onju City Hall. Despite being constantly burdened by unimaginable complaints, Lee Hong-jo always strives to do her best. She is a character who is comfortable being alone. Unexpectedly, she becomes the owner of the long-sealed “book ship” and holds the key to breaking Jang Shin-yoo’s curse. With her ability to express rich emotions and portray diverse character variations.
Jo Bo-ah expressed her impressions, stating, “I was captivated by the freshness and charm of the story and characters, and I suddenly found myself becoming Hong-jo. While shooting, I enjoyed a harmonious and cheerful atmosphere with wonderful actors, director, and staff members. I am eagerly anticipating the unfolding of the story and the first broadcast, and I am preparing diligently. I ask for your attention and support.”
Rohoon transforms into Jang Shin-yoo, an ace lawyer waiting for the owner of the “book ship” to break his curse. He is a refined man who seems to carry the scent of a well-dried linen shirt in the clear autumn sunlight, attracting the spotlight wherever he goes. As a mysterious illness worsens, he seeks help from Lee Hong-jo, known as the “owner of the book ship,” initiating an unforeseen upheaval.
Rohoon, who heralds a transformative performance, expressed his excitement, saying, “I am thrilled to portray a character with different qualities from those I have played before. I am also looking forward to my synergy with Jo Bo-ah. Please look forward to it.”
Ha Joon portrays Kwon Jae-kyung, the lover of Lee Hong-jo and an enigmatic figure who hides his undisclosed wounds behind a sweet smile. He never reveals his inner thoughts easily. As Lee Hong-jo and Jang Shin-yoo gradually grow closer, he undergoes a change in his emotions.
Ha Joon, recognized for his solid acting skills, shared his thoughts, saying, “I am delighted to be able to work with writer No Ji-seol, director Nam Ki-hoon, Jo Bo-ah, and Rohoon, whom I have been a fan of. The filming set was also fantastic. It was great to work with Yura again for the second time. Both the cast and staff members were wonderful, and every day on set was enjoyable. I have high expectations.”
Yura takes on the role of Yoon Na-yeon, Jang Shin-yoo’s lover. As Lee Hong-jo’s special interest in Jang Shin-yoo, whom she had previously tormented, intensifies, Yoon Na-yeon’s long-suppressed nature begins to surface.
Yura, known for her captivating presence in every project, expressed her happiness at being part of the drama, saying, “When I read the script for the first time, I was completely immersed in the story. I am glad to be able to work with such wonderful people. I put a lot of effort into portraying the character of Nayeon in an appealing way, and I hope the charm of the story and the character that I felt will be conveyed to the viewers. I ask for your attention and love.”
“Destined With You” is set to premiere on JTBC in August.