On June 2nd, the 4th episode of tvN’s variety show ‘Earth Arcade 2’ aired, featuring the adventures of four Earth warriors, Lee Eun Ji, Mimi, Lee Young Ji, and Ahn Yujin, who traveled to Finland to capture a creature that had escaped back to Earth.
During the episode, PD Na Young Seok proposed a game with pizza at stake and suggested starting with “Ahn Yujin.” Yujin immediately corrected him, saying, “Ahn Yujin? Just Yujinie.” The other members chimed in, jokingly commenting, “Why are you sensitive after being called by surname?,” and “Are you going through puberty?”
PD Na Young Seok responded, “There’s a lot I don’t understand.” Mimi then explained that people usually use the full name when they’re angry, like a father scolding his child. Yujin demonstrated this by acting like an angry father, saying, “You, you little brat!” Eventually, Na Young Seok jokingly apologized, saying, “I’m sorry, Yujin ah.”
Throughout the episode, Yujin continued to emphasize her preference for being called “Yujin” without her family name. Na Young Seok commented, “Yujin is going through puberty and is sensitive these days. She keeps talking about herself in the third person…” Mimi then urged them to hurry up and start the game before the pizza got cold, causing laughter among the cast.
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