The highly anticipated Friday-Saturday drama, Revenant, produced by SBS and written by the renowned Kim Eun Hee, is set to captivate audiences with its supernatural storyline. Directed by Lee Jung Rim and Kim Jae Hong, the drama recently unveiled its striking main poster on May 31. The poster features the talented actress Kim Taeri, who portrays the protagonist Ku San Young—a woman tormented by an insidious spirit that preys on human desires.
The story revolves around Ku San Young, who inherits a forbidden heirloom from her father. As she comes into possession of this mysterious artifact, she unwittingly becomes entangled in inexplicable events, falling victim to the encroachment of an evil spirit.
In the main poster, Kim Tae Ri’s portrayal of Ku San Young is both haunting and enigmatic. With a vacant gaze and an eerie dark aura surrounding her, she stands amidst an unsettling atmosphere. The caption on the poster adds to the intrigue, stating, “I, who shouldn’t be seen, am seen.” This raises questions about the true identity of the character depicted—is it Ku San Young herself or the malevolent spirit that has taken hold of her?
Kim Tae Ri’s remarkable performance in the drama showcases her versatility as she embodies the presence of the otherworldly entity, evoking a bone-chilling sense of dread and an air of peculiar mystery. Viewers will undoubtedly be left in awe of her nuanced acting skills.
The production team behind the K-drama expressed their satisfaction with the main poster, emphasizing its significance in capturing the essence of the story. They praised Kim Tae Ri’s exceptional ability to portray both Ku San Young, an ordinary woman, and a woman possessed by the evil spirit simultaneously. Her remarkable portrayal is a testament to her unparalleled method acting skills. The team added, “In the drama, viewers can expect a spine-chilling performance from Kim Tae Ri. We urge you to look forward to it.”
Revenant is scheduled for release on June 23 and will be available for streaming on Disney+. Prepare yourself for an enthralling and suspenseful journey into the supernatural world crafted by the talented team behind Revenant, promising an unforgettable viewing experience.
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