Lee Ji Hoon and Han Seung Yeon, have unveiled a fresh movie poster! Titled “A Relationship With No Space Between,” this Korean adaptation of the 2015 French film “How to Fall in Love With the Worst Neighbor: Untact Love” revolves around a romantic comedy scenario where two neighbors find themselves embroiled in frequent arguments. The twist is that they are separated by a single, non-soundproof wall, unaware of each other’s identities.
Marking Lee Ji Hoon’s return to the big screen after a four-year hiatus, he takes on the role of Seung Jin, an aspiring musician. Han Seung Yeon, a former member of KARA, portrays Hong Ra Ni, a figurine artist.
The film’s poster exudes a dramatic atmosphere, depicting the intense clash between these neighbors who are compelled to endure the constant proximity of the thin wall that provides no sound insulation. With both characters pressing their ears against the partition, their expressions reveal deep contemplation about the mysterious individual residing on the other side. The caption on the poster intriguingly asks, “Who is the enigmatic X on the other side of the wall?”
Anticipated to hit theaters in July, “A Relationship With No Space Between” showcases the onscreen chemistry between Lee Ji Hoon and Han Seung Yeon, promising an entertaining cinematic experience for audiences.