Korean singer Hwasa, a member of the renowned group MAMAMOO, is set to embark on a new journey by signing an exclusive contract with P NATION. This exciting partnership between Hwasa and P NATION, led by Psy, is expected to unleash her full potential as a solo artist. As her current contract with RBW approaches its end in late June, Hwasa has been drawn to P NATION’s remarkable planning capabilities and their ability to support her solo career.
Debuting in June 2014 as a member of MAMAMOO, Hwasa gained immense love and recognition through hit songs like “Mr. Ambiguous,” “Um Oh Ah Yeh,” and “You’re the Best.” In 2019, she made her solo debut with the single “Twit” and solidified her position as a leading female solo artist in South Korea with subsequent releases such as “Maria” and “I’m Not Cool.”
Currently, Hwasa is captivating audiences nationwide through her participation in the tvN variety show “Dance Singer Traveling Party.” Together with legendary senior artists Kim Wan-sun, Eom Jeong-hwa, Lee Hyori, and BoA, she has been delivering unforgettable performances at every stop, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.
Fans and music enthusiasts can look forward to witnessing Hwasa’s future endeavors under the guidance of P NATION, a company renowned for its exceptional planning and support.